Bioholography Update
Bioholography Update
Their first 2 references at article’s end are to my sites.
About Us
Founded in 2002 (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Headed by Marina Shaduri, Ph.D.
Goal: Study of new physical phenomenon (named “holo-diffraction”), which has been discovered in 2000.
Authors of the discovery: Marina Shaduri, Ph.D. and late George Tshitshinadze (more about authors >>>) .
- R&D in the new interdisciplinary field of science – BIOHOLOGRAPHY (>>>);
- Development of new methods for automated diagnostics of malignant pathologies;
- Experimental and clinical study of structural and functional properties of Holo - Informational Functional System (HIS) using the novel modality - Bioholo-tomography (>>>);
- Theoretical work;
- Educational activity (seminars, workshops) conducted in cooperation with the International Association of Bioholography Study “AIPEB”, France (>>>);
- Collaboration with the company “Advanced Bioresearch & Technologies”, Ltd., Luxemburg.
- We also collaborate with researchers from some other countries, among them with “PHIS”, Inc (Columbus, Ohio).
Scientific researchers (physicists, mathematicians); medical team; team of technical and software engeneers; administration.
Main office
Address: 14 Napareuli St, Tbilisi, 0179, Georgia
Phone: (+99532) 235833
“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?”
(Albert Einstein)
“The observations have just told us that the universe is crazy, but hasn’t told us what direction the universe is crazy in. The theories have been incredibly complex and elaborate, but haven’t yet made any compelling inroads… real progress will occur when we actually have new ideas” (Lawrence M. Krauss, the Ambrose Swasey Professor of Physics and chairman of the Physics Department of Case Western Reserve University;
BIOHOLOGRAPHY presents a new interdisciplinary trend in science.
Its subject of study is a dynamic structure of physical waves, which are spontaneously organized within bounded space of a living system thus forming “holo-informational” functional mechanism. Some non-local phenomena, which are specific for “true” systems of natural origin, might be considered as the manifestation of holographic principle (more on holographic principle >>>).
Principally new approach to the study of living systems, including humans, has become possible due to the discovery of amazing physical phenomenon. Back in 2000 it had been experimentally determined, that:
- it is possible to study shapes and structural details of the most affected organs/tissues using only some distal parts of a living body as the source of information (see examples in “Gallery” >>>);
- the effect takes place while recording the glow of various parts of a body (e.g. fingertips, elbows, nose-tips etc.) placed into electromagnetic field of relatively high frequency (more on the Bioholo-tomography >>>);
- any deviation from the normal functioning (the violation of homeostasis, pathological process, etc.) causes the alteration of superficial emission. Moreover, there is proportional interdependence between the “upset” level of a system hierarchy and the resolution of images. This feature of living systems enables to obtain images-replicas of any pathological area of the body with high resolution (see examples in the “Gallery” >>>);
- Impacts of weak signals of non-thermal intensity upon the surface of a body (including the alteration of environmental electromagnetic fields), cause almost instant change of any fingertip’s emission. This integral and non - local reaction of a body lasts for 1,5-2 hours being restored gradually after initial deterioration of balanced state. It has been determined that non-specific integral reaction consists of two phases, where the first one that lasts for 35-50 min, implies increased fragmentation of fingertips coronas (corresponds to the violation of balance on cellular/subcellular levels of a body); It should be noted that more powerful signals, which are capable to affect nervous receptors, slightly delay this immediate and non-local reaction of a body (see below);
- we failed to obtain replicas of affected internal organs when the emission of non-living subjects was explored. General narcosis “switches off” the effect of non-local imaging as well; In a set of experiments, when novocain was injected into a finger (local anaesthesia), the phenomenon of remote imaging was preserved, though replicas of affected finger could not be visualized on other fingers’ coronas;
- it is possible to get holographic replicas of internal structures (of any location) intentionally in case electromagnetic, magnetic, electric or thermal balance is altered in corresponding parts of a body several minutes before fingertips’ glow is captured. Since we determined that emission of a body reflects only images of the most misbalanced elements of a system, it became clear that one can acquire holograms of any organ or tissue (otherwise non-manifested) after intentional activation of corresponding areas. Such a ”targeted imaging” is nowadays used in those cases, where particular anatomic structures have to be examined in more details (see examples in the Gallery >>>);
- replicas of the most disordered areas of a body appear on fingertips from various points of view and on different scales. These replicas, which are visible on captured frames, actually present 2D stills of 3D images. One can evaluate many details of misbalanced internal areas, e.g. their shapes, texture, and relative position, via the processing (enlargement, contrasting etc.) and further comparison of several fingers’ bioholo-tomograms (more on Bioholo-tomography >>>).
Basing on experimental and clinical data, we suggest that physical waves of different types (mechanical, electromagnetic, magnetic etc.) comprise dynamic web-like structure, which is organized like a multilevel (multiplex) holographic entity within bounded space of a living body. Such a fragile and higly sensitive fluctuating (”flowing”) medium is capable to alter its whole organization according structure of its misbalanced parts. Thus, previously unknown functional mechanism, which has been defined as “HOLO-INFORMATIONAL SYSTEM” (HIS), serves not only as a system-integrating factor, but also as a functional system that might affect some metabolic or energetic processes within entire body.
HIS and nervous system have different tasks in a body. It has been determined that weak signals do upset the HIS in a greater extent than powerful impacts (see figure below):
The reaction of HIS to any weak impacts upon the body consists of two phases: the first phase (always) implies the enhancement of entire HI-system’s fluctuation.
To prove that HiS reorganises its entire ensemble in accordance with the structure of the most disordered
area, we studied alteration of superficial emission in response to various impacts upon the body.
Here we demonstrate the effect of hot fluid upon the emission of various bodily parts. Similar replicas of stimulated area (digestive tube) have been manifested on fingers, as well as on surfaces of some other parts of a body almost simultaneously (non-local effect).
Numerous experiments are being conducted to study dynamic and organizational features of HIS.
Our data point to the major role of these functional mechanisms for adaptive systems’ normal functioning, control, self-organization and life-cycles.
The idea about bioholographic properties of living systems has been expressed earlier, though direct evidence of holographic principle in dynamic self-organizing systems of natural origin (remote holographic imaging) has been obtained only recently. This physical phenomenon (holo-diffraction) is already widely used for diagnostic purposes within the framework of joint activity with foreign colleagues.
Briefly on some earlier hypotheses:
Implicate order according David Bohm (1917 - 1992)
In 1982 a remarkable experiment to test quantum interconnectedness was performed by a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect in Paris. The original idea was contained in a thought experiment (also known as the “EPR paradox”) proposed in 1935 by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen, but much of the later theoretical groundwork was laid by David Bohm and one of his enthusiastic supporters, John Bell of CERN, the physics research center near Geneva. The results of the experiment clearly showed that subatomic particles that are far apart are able to communicate in ways that cannot be explained by the transfer of physical signals traveling at or slower than the speed of light. Many physicists, including Bohm, regard these “nonlocal” connections as absolutely instantaneous.
The causal interpretation of quantum theory initially met with indifference or hostility from other physicists, who did not take kindly to Bohm’s powerful challenge to the common consensus. In recent years, however, the theory has been gaining increasing “respectability.”
In the 1960s Bohm began to take a closer look at the notion of order. One day he saw a device on a television program that immediately fired his imagination. It consisted of two concentric glass cylinders, the space between them being filled with glycerin, a highly viscous fluid. If a droplet of ink is placed in the fluid and the outer cylinder is turned, the droplet is drawn out into a thread that eventually becomes so thin that it disappears from view; the ink particles are enfolded into the glycerin. But if the cylinder is then turned in the opposite direction, the thread-form reappears and rebecomes a droplet; the droplet is unfolded again. Bohm realized that when the ink was diffused through the glycerin it was not a state of “disorder” but possessed a hidden, or nonmanifest, order.
In Bohm’s view, all the separate objects, entities, structures, and events in the visible or explicate world around us are relatively autonomous, stable, and temporary “subtotalities” derived from a deeper, implicate order of unbroken wholeness. Bohm gives the analogy of a flowing stream: On this stream, one may see an ever-changing pattern of vortices, ripples, waves, splashes, etc., which evidently have no independent existence as such. Rather, they are abstracted from the flowing movement, arising and vanishing in the total process of the flow. Such transitory subsistence as may be possessed by these abstracted forms implies only a relative independence or autonomy of behaviour, rather than absolutely independent existence as ultimate substances. (David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, 1980, p. 48.)
From Bohm’s point of view, we must learn to view everything as part of “Undivided Wholeness in Flowing Movement.” (Ibid., p. 11.)
Another metaphor Bohm uses to illustrate the implicate order is that of the hologram. To make a hologram a laser light is split into two beams, one of which is reflected off an object onto a photographic plate where it interferes with the second beam. The complex swirls of the interference pattern recorded on the photographic plate appear meaningless and disordered to the naked eye. But like the ink drop dispersed in the glycerin, the pattern possesses a hidden or enfolded order, for when illuminated with laser light it produces a three-dimensional image of the original object, which can be viewed from any angle. A remarkable feature of a hologram is that if a holographic film is cut into pieces, each piece produces an image of the whole object, though the smaller the piece the hazier the image. Clearly the form and structure of the entire object are encoded within each region of the photographic record.
Bohm suggests that the whole universe can be thought of as a kind of giant, flowing hologram, or holomovement, in which a total order is contained, in some implicit sense, in each region of space and time. The explicate order is a projection from higher dimensional levels of reality, and the apparent stability and solidity of the objects and entities composing it are generated and sustained by a ceaseless process of enfoldment and unfoldment, for subatomic particles are constantly dissolving into the implicate order and then recrystallizing.
(link >>>)
The holonomic brain theory
The holonomic brain theory, originated by psychologist Karl Pribram and initially developed in collaboration with physicist David Bohm, is a model for human cognition that is drastically different from conventionally accepted ideas: Pribram and Bohm posit a model of cognitive function as being guided by a matrix of neurological wave interference patterns situated temporally between holographic Gestalt perception and discrete, affective, quantum vectors derived from reward anticipation potentials.
Pribram was originally struck by the similarity of the hologram idea and Bohm’s idea of the implicate order in physics, and contacted him for collaboration. In particular, the fact that information about an image point is distributed throughout the hologram, such that each piece of the hologram contains some information about the entire image, seemed suggestive to Pribram about how the brain could encode memories. (Pribram, 1987). Pribram was encouraged in this line of speculation by the fact that DeValois and DeValois (1980) had found that “the spatial frequency encoding displayed by cells of the visual cortex was best described as a Fourier transform of the input pattern.” (Pribram, 1987) This holographic idea lead to the coining of the term “holonomic” to describe the idea in wider contexts than just holograms.
Pribram’s holonomic model, developed in collaboration with quantum physicist David Bohm, theorizes that memory/information is stored not in cells, but rather in wave interference patterns. Pribram was drawn to this conclusion by two facts:
-There are visual cortex response functions that correspond to Gabor functions, which in turn are related to hologram image functions.
-Drastic lesions can be made in animal brains which reduce, but do not extinguish memories (training), as demonstrated by Karl Lashley in the 1920s.
To formulate his model, Pribram utilized Fourier analysis, based on the Fourier Theorem, a variation of calculus that transforms complex patterns into component sine waves. Some believe that Pribram’s theory also explains how the human brain can store so many memories in the engram in such limited space. Pribram believes the brain operates according to the same mathematical principles as a hologram. Bohm has suggested these wave forms may compose hologram-like organizations.
(link >>>)
Some other links and references:
1. >>>
2. >>>
3. >>>
4. Bekenstein J.D. Black holes and the second law // Letters Nuovo Cimento. 1972. # 4. p. 737.
5. Maldacena J. The large N limit of superconformal field theories // Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 1998. # 2. p. 231.
6. Bousso R. The holographic principle // Reviews of Modern Physics. 2002. # 74. p. 825.
7. Aldrovandi R., Pereira J., Vu K. The nonlinear essence of gravitational waves // Foundations of Physics. 2007. # 3. pp. 1503-1517.
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