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What's New: Spywhisperer Portal 2008

http://spywhisperer.iwarp.comTHE SPYWHISPERER:


“And take upon's the mystery of things,
As if we were God's spies
.” (King Lear, Act V, Scene 1)


We can all participate in more intelligent intelligence. It doesn't belong exclusively to the apostles of the cult of intelligence. Personally and collectively, Intelligence involves information collection and anaylsis. It helps us determine The Big Picture by synthesizing the forces at play in the world today so we can make prudent decisions about the future of our security.

Intelligence is a type of time-travel or remote viewing, projecting one's consciousness into all possible futures, deciding which are plausible and even probable. Who's in charge? Intelligence officers don't claim to know; they do know who isn't in charge.

Historically, much of the agenda is predetermined by futurists in social engineering think tanks that use language and propaganda for conditioning us with buzzwords and theories that then penetrate government and academia, spreading from there to the general culture.

The largest influences include Tavistock Institute, RAND, Battelle, Brookings (Progressive Internationalism), SRI (R&D solutions), Project for the New American Century, Harvard JFK School of Government and their military and civilian equivalents (Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Council, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, etc.). Many of these groups share members or interface with one another.


The parallel tracks of roughly seven forces are running the world: Governments, Military, Law Enforcement, Business, Academia, NGO and Media, and Civil (Class, Religion, Labor). Each has its own worldview and agenda which sets the priorities in its point of view, from plutocrats to technocrats and bureaucrats.

Many have failed so utterly they have become Roadmaps to Nowhere. We have to step beyond the bounds of elite greed and failed ecology to a less narcissistic, more mature citizenship.

The "usual suspects", well-known intellectual groups produce manifestos for social control. They don't spot trends, they create them. Influential position papers include Agenda 21 (United Nations, 1992), PNAC (neocon, 1997), Joint Vision 20/20 (DoD full-spectrum military dominance, 2000), Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update (Club of Rome, 1972; 2004), "Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project (Dec. 2004), and others.

Trendspotters and technorati include the World Future Society (The Futurist), Wired, and The IBM Global CEO Study 2006. Commentators and futurists are a lower tier: Noam Chomsky, Stewart Brand, Paul Ehrlich, Ray Kurzweil, Faith Popcorn, John Naisbett, Peter Schwartz. Futuring is a game best understood as pattern recognition. Info tech is doubling in power each year.

Technology, markets, resources and policy interact dynamically. All prediction markets agree that nano-neuro-bio-info products will shape the future. These forces and ideas then filter into manufacturing futures, politics, business, academics, the media, science and military where they take root (or not) in our minds and become part of our cultural mandate. They acquire traction and velocity as people jump on the bandwagon. Despite the techno-utopianism, the economic keyword for 2008 is "debt."


The war for your mind has moved from the outside to inside the mindbody of each and every one of us. Bombarded with religious views and new age slogans (intentionality, resonance, convergence), we chase spirituality. Religion and extremism are powerful drivers of cultural conflict. But we really have been programmed from the cradle to the grave to worship GOD -- Gold, Oil, & Drugs. We worship and seek solace outside ourselves when the answer is within in our hearts and spirits.

It's no accident we feel empty and can't get enough. These are the addictions of our culture. We are running on empty, overextended in energy and credit, and militarily. We have traded social safety nets for unsustainable imperialism. We have sheepishly accepted the curtailment of our former freedoms out of fear, or by believing the fear-mongers who create public opinion. Our nation has hostage syndrome.

No diverting fad or trend since the 50s has been an accident, including academic and political trends like American Dream, Aquarian Conspiracy," techno-utopianism, human potential, political-correctness, sustainable development, Neocons, and the current Environmental shift. We are literally programmed to buy into them, culturally, mentally and financially.

The most subtle mind control vectors have their own natural appeal. Viral contagion spreads throughout all strata of society in the form of memes and hypnotic displays of The Spectacle and simulations of reality in myriad forms. We've been sold a bill of goods and the balance is coming due.

Electronic mind control has moved from big screen TV to HAARP's blanket broadcast. Drugs are no longer essential to shadow governments for crowd control but are the quickest source for volumes of ready cash from the black market and a way to repress and imprison the disenfranchised.


In the Age of Intelligence, modern IO is not about the old messages of psychological operations (PSYOPS), but rather about empowering billions of people with both information tools and access to truthful information. It is about education, not manipulation. It is about sharing, not secrecy. It is about human understanding to create wealth and stabilize societies, not about the threat of violence and the delivery of precision munitions. IO substitutes information for violence -- more intelligent intelligence.

Reality is up for grabs. So is the imaginary future, from toxic visions like The Matrix to false techno-utopianism. Computers were supposed to save us work, but we wind up woking more for less. But, the one who dies with the biggest toys is not the winner.

The blind faith of The American Dream has turned to skepticism, indifference and apathy. Fear Media beats us down so we think we can't fight The System. The democratic impulse has been suppressed by runaway narcissistic consumerism. We have compassion exhaustion. We are living on borrowed time.


Militarily, the Crusades are back, along with the Cold War - no longer covert. No old grudges have been forgotten or forgiven. Neither Russia nor the US have ever stood down from launch readiness. Central Asia has always been the lynchpin of global power from the time of Alexander. The Great Game is what the British Empire called their strategic rivalry and covert war

for supremacy in Central Asia with the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union.
The power struggle of The Great Game set up an ongoing quiet war between Britain and Russia for Afghanistan. And after the Soviet defeat, the US was sucked into the continuing quagmire of events involving Iraq, Iran [Persia], India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the post-Soviet republics of Central Asia described in Zbigniew Brzezinski's book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. This neoconservative strategy has failed utterly as a foreign policy.

Endless resource warfare is here. Energy warfare is about excluding Russia and China from westbound oil and gas pipeline routes out of the Caspian Sea basin and securing Anglo-American control over strategic soutbound and eastbound routes through Pipelanistan. Then, there is the Afghani clandestine heroin trade and its huge profit potential.


The Age of information is a vision of the convergence of computers, media, and telecommunications. But where do we go from here? Do you live a white-picket fence / big screen TV fantasy in a militarily-defined world with delusions of victory? What comes after the fetishizing of information technology and looming economic meltdown of the Greenback?

Instead of the greater free time for creativity imagined in the Cold War era, people have come to work harder and for longer hours for less net gain. But, Voltaire said that, "Man is free the instant he wants to be."


US intelligence needs to be revisioned and transformed. Covert Action needs to have tighter oversight and accountability. No nation-state currently polices transnational crime, which is a growing threat. Most intelligence now comes from Open Source, so an increase in HUMINT is the quickest route to improvement. The shadow of the Shadow Government, including domestic spying and assassinations, needs to be revealed to the American people and the world so we can finally heal. We must take responsibility for that shadow, including national and global discrimination and exploitation.

We have prospered parasitically at the expense of disenfranchised others for too long, and need a common survival strategy, at home and abroad. A truly humane and spiritual approach is what is required to heal the split between Machiavellian conspiracies and our human sense of the sacred.


Sadly, there are serious political agendas to rid the planet of what are flippantly called "useless eaters" - including the poor and the sick. Our food sources are compromised and genetically modified, water is rapidly becoming privatized, and the air is polluted internationally.

Genetics is leading to further horrors of elitism and bioengineered diseases with specific racial targets. We have met the enemy and it is ourselves. The future looks dark. Climate change can be just as big a factor as population growth in the collapse of societies.

Perhaps the light cannot defeat the darkness, but surely we can hold the balance of power against the evil that men do. What we need is more intelligent intelligence. Public intelligence in the public interest is the way we restore the Constitution, save the Republic, and save the Earth and Humanity generations into the future.

To put this in context, you must remember that estimates of the long-term carrying capacity of Earth with relatively optimistic assumptions about consumption, technologies, and equity (A x T), are in the vicinity of two billion people. Today's population (6+ billion) cannot be sustained on the 'interest' generated by natural ecosystems, but is consuming its vast supply of natural capital -- especially deep, rich agricultural soils, 'fossil' groundwater, and biodiversity -- accumulated over centuries to eons. In some places soils, which are generated on a time scale of centimeters per century are disappearing at rates of centimeters per year. Some aquifers are being depleted at dozens of times their recharge rates, and we have embarked on the greatest extinction episode in 65 million years. -- Paul Ehrlich (Sept. 25, 1998)

"There are only two ways of preventing a world with 10 billion inhabitants. Either the birth rate drops or the death rate will rise. There is no other way." ~Robert McNamara

Universal Calculus & the Great Game

With the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War, the United States displaced Britain as the global power, asserting its influence in the Middle East in pursuit of oil, containment of the Soviet Union, and access to other resources. This period is sometimes referred to as "The New Great Game" by commentators, and there are references in the military, security and diplomatic communities to "The Great Game" as an analogy or framework for events involving India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and more recently, the post-Soviet republics of Central Asia. In 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski published "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives" which advocated a 21st century version of the Great Game. Popular media have referred to the current conflict between international forces and Taliban forces in Afghanistan as a continuance of the Great Game.

What's New with My Subject?

Iona Miller, O&A, January 2008

“A nation’s best defense is an educated citizenry.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Modern IO is not about the old messages of psychological
operations (PSYOPS), but rather about empowering billions of people
with both information tools and access to truthful information. It is
about education, not manipulation. It is about sharing, not secrecy.
It is about human understanding to create wealth and stabilize
societies, not about the threat of violence and the delivery of precision
munitions. IO substitutes information for violence. [1] (Steele, IO)

Intelligent Desires

Intelligence is the leading-edge of culture. Yet, intelligence
isn’t what it used to be. In the Age of Information, secrecy became
obsolete because it is virtually impossible. Intelligence eavesdroppers
have no trouble reading encrypted messages intercepted from all parts
of the world, since the game is rigged [2].

90% of information is Open Source (OS), but leaves us with the
burden of dataglut -- Too Much Information (TMI) and intuitive
analysis. There is raw data, collated information and intelligence from
secret sources or not that is deliberately discovered and distilled for
a decision making process.

Actionable intelligence is very different from raw intelligence.
Constant monitoring is being replaced by pulsing and trendspotting.
Strategic intelligence is a preventive investment rather than a
punitive reaction.

Brainpower, not firepower will win the future. The primary source
of national power is still knowledge gleaned from information – the
world intelligence network. All information, not just secret
information is valuable but there are operational challenges in
collating and sharing data.

The goal of Information Operations (IO) is to use information as a
substitute for conflict, thereby creating wealth for impoverished
regions. There are six Information Operations vital for decision

· Information Operations, generally

· Peacekeeping Intelligence (reactive)

· Information Peacekeeping (proactive)

· Early Warning (Conflict deterrence, (proactive counterterrorism)

· Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations

· Homeland Defense and Civil Support (Steele)


We need a paradigm shift for what it means to work “in
intelligence,” in or out of the classified world. We can reduce the
cognitive dissonance between the two uses of the term: creative
intellectual capacity and clandestine service. Intelligence helps us
work out strategies, visions, goals, and implimentation of a desired

The question becomes, “How can we organize ourselves more wisely in
tune with each other and nature?” We need an inclusive, responsive,
multidimensional intelligence grounded in wholeness, interconnectivity,
diversity and co-creativity which is also connected to greater sources
of intelligence (Atlee).

Co-intelligence is the capacity to muster and integrate the fullest
capabilities of all involved to engage with their broad, long-term
circumstances -- especially during times of change -- by working with
the patterns of existence in ways that satisfy the deepest needs of
all. Co-intelligence is the capacity to satisfy needs amidst the ebb
and flow of life's challenges and possibilities, in harmony with the
need-satisfaction of other participants.[3] (Atlee)

In the Age of Intelligence, we understand that it means the
capacity to acquire and apply strategic knowledge, to effectively
adapt, and solve problems. Collective Intelligence is an emergent
property of global dynamics. The synergy of collective social systems
results in effective mobilization. True democracy is not ‘mediocracy.’

Knowledge Proliferation

What we need is more intelligent intelligence – collective
intelligence, collective wisdom for creating our reality from the
proliferation of knowledge. Only then can we dissolve the abyss between
the ambiguous notion of “Intelligence” as a clandestine activity and
true intelligence that leads to assured mutual survival and real
security – actual peace.

Clandestine and black operations are the shadow side of global
life, that portion of what makes society work at the primordial level
of hard truths and resistance. It is the intermediary between competing
worldviews: cultures, values, and beliefs about the nature of reality
that has been shown to be a social “construction.” Competing factions
can only have competing agendas and visions about how the world should

We would like to deny that manipulation goes on behind the scenes,
at least plausibly. Ignore-ance is bliss? Like addicts, we are in
denial of our collective urge to power. It includes issues of
imperialism, covert aggression, manipulation, exploitation, greed,
trust, vulnerability and shame at the collective level. Intelligence
has been a dirty little secret.

Whether we like it or not, we are at total war and every citizen is
involved in protecting our nation and enhancing our prosperity. We are
most effective with a common understanding of the real world based on
global foreign information acquisition and analysis. Informed citizens
acting on open source information can make a difference.

More and more citizens are unwilling to condone the old covert
paradigm. It has been turned on us in the past as discrimination,
propaganda, mind control, medical experimenation, harassment, etc. Open
Source information sharing has made The Big Lie apparent.

We have looked behind the curtain of social engineering and global
architectronics and are unwilling to hide our heads in the sand. The
emperor of inept governance wears no clothes. This confrontation,
moving toward the fear and pain wherever it occurs, brings us close to
the core of our transformative process – the essentially sacred
dimension of life.

Intelligence is always political not only because of gender,
cultural and national issues, but also more fundamentally because of
power. Political correctness aside, polarized dynamics require one
another to play out. We need to begin thinking in transnational and
transpartisan terms to move toward new paradigm vision – truly global

The dominator becomes essentially the slave of the submissive who
is needed for the other to feel and express the urge to power. One
validates and exploits the other. The secrecy that underlies The Great
Game of espionage is based in fear: its public modulation and
clandestine manipulation. This is why the buzzword of the decade is
“Terrorism”, even when it is misapplied to actions at more granular
levels than that of nation-states. The word itself has become a
manipulative propaganda trigger.

What's New with My Subject?

To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Remain Silent

Now, we all have the potential to be voluntary Free Agents of
Intelligence. We can work together in co-intelligence. We each have the
capacity to live well with each other and life, creatively using
diversity and uniqueness, consciously evolving together in partnership
with nature, and consciously transforming culture. Intelligence is the
ability to recognize and work with patterns of existence to generate
positive outcomes, working things out among all parties involved in a

The proclamation of fearlessness is truth. The proclamation of
truth is fearless. Fearlessness is the fruit of self-realization. To be
fearlessness does not mean to be entirely without realistic fear or
prudent paranoia. There is more than one kind of fearlessness. To
enable fearlessness is to protect other living beings from fear or

We fear what we don’t know. When we “take heart” fear subsides.
Fearlessness reminds us to respond first with our hearts, remembering
we are Spiritual Beings. You must ask yourself: “Do I dare speak up; do
I dare become spiritually active; do I dare contribute my ideas?” Our
leaders face the same challenges and that is what makes them leaders:
finding their voices in a self-actualizing self-validating kind of way.

We have been propagandized with “Fear Media.” We must face the fact
that fear is lurking in our lives, always, in everything we do. Fear
leads to anger and hate which leads to suffering and tragedy. We feel
inadequate, that our own lives are too challenging, overwhelming.
Confronting the rest of the world is more overwhelming. To be truly
fearless we have to be living in a state of peace.

Because we possess such fear, we also are potentially entitled to
experience fearlessness. We fear collapse, loss, death. True
fearlessness doesn’t mean the reduction of fear, but going beyond it
altogether. Understanding the world and its threats is everyone’s
responsibility. Self-enlightenment – wellness, wholeness -- is the
antidote to 21st Century culture shock.

Forbidden Knowledge

Are there things we should not know? There are many responses to
the impulse toward experience. We pass through the essential stage of
experience on the way to wisdom. Fearlessness doesn’t mean lack of
prudence; it means the quality of mind that allows us to face danger or
hardship resolutely with fortitude and spirit. But it remains a stage,
not an end in itself.

If no one is allowed to venture into the forbidden we cannot know
what it is like. No one is allowed to talk about, or represent it. It
becomes a dirty secret, surrounded by fear and shame. Adopting this
forbidden spirit, we even begin to hide this side of our nature -- our
urge to power and indulgence, fantasies and dreams -- from ourselves.

With this mindset, passion is twisted and turned toward anything
around us that threatens to expose this hidden reality of who we are,
what we want, how we dream, and what we desire. Is this self-denial not
the true perversion of the human spirit?

Both self-denial and self-indulgence can be toxic when they
impinge on the freedoms of others. It is important we hear directly
from these frontiers, no matter how we react to clandestine
perspectives different from our own.

Views of Reality: Hidden Information Environment

Collective intelligence exists in many contexts but is a field of
practice on its own which we can develop intentionally. Intelligence is
personal, public and political. Citizen-centered intelligence (Steele)
requires an understanding of the dynamic social forces involved. Public
intelligence is the logical outcome of the Age of Information.

The parallel tracks of roughly seven forces are running the world:
Governments, Military, Law Enforcement, Business, Academia, NGO and
Media, and Civil (Class, Religion, Labor). Each has its own worldview
and agenda which sets the priorities in its point of view. (Robert
Steele, 2006)

Transnational Crime is conspicuous in its absence as it also relies on intelligence for its operations and strategies.


[1] Stelle, Robert,

[2] The NSA-Crypto AG Sting

For years US eavesdroppers could read encrypted

messages without the least difficulty

Ludwig De Braeckeleer

[3] (Atlee)