Sects & the Siddhi
ESP(iona)ge Series...
"I'm the Forest Gump of the American Underground, the Carrie Bradshaw of ESPionage. Writing for NEXUS and PARANOIA is like writing for the Vogue and Cosmo of conspiracy, only with skeletons in the closet, not Manolo's." ~ Iona Miller, Sects & the Siddhi
Iona Miller, 9/2008
Sex and the Siddhi
Siddhis is the ancient mystic name for psychic phenomena. Mind expansion increases the potential of unusual powers. Personal power (chi, mana, prana) comes from libido, sexual and psychic energy. Sexual techniques (Tantra, Kundalini, Sex Magic, Taoist Alchemy) have been used in the east and west to raise amplitude in libido, to build energy charge. Yet, it is said that cultivating these powers is a distraction from Reality, from Enlightenment.
At the personal level, esoterics is the soft technology of self-development and change at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It means initiatory ordeals and challenging confrontations with yourself about the reality of nature and your own nature. To stay out on your personal edge means always being just a little off balance, at home in the chaos, alert to the resonating gaps in awareness.
At the dynamic group level, it is all this and something more. Esoteric caduceus coils wind like an ancient serpent throughout society. It has been a clandestine sociopolitical 5th column force at least since the Renaissance, in Elizabethan times, and certainly since the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. Many societies have a history of influence peddling as a cover for espionage.