Shulgin 2

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Shulgin's Ecstasy, cont. pt. 2

<> Political Privateers

A modern version of the above would be The Bohemian Club [Shulgin’s “Owl Club” - TL]. A contemporary group similar to the Bohemian Club, albeit smaller in scope and membership, is Yale’s “Order of the Skull and Bones”. In America’s Secret Establishment, Anthony C. Sutton reveals details.

“Those on the inside know it as ‘The Order’. Others have known it for more than 150 years as ‘Chapter 322’ of a German secret society. It also known as ‘The Brotherhood of Death’ or just ‘Bones’. Author Ron Rosenbaum points out that the original skull and crossbones emblem used by Skull and Bones was also the official crest of the Bavarian Illuminati.

In an investigative piece for Esquire, Rosenbaum wrote “I do seem to have come across definite, if skeletal, links between the original Bones rituals and those of the notorious Bavarian Illuminati...”. “The Order of the Skull and Bones” was originally started in Germany in the early 1800’s. David Guyette’s 1998 article for Nexus magazine titled “Deep Black: The CIA’s Secret Drug Wars” provides excellent background.

According to Guyette, William Huntington (cousin to Samuel Russell, who started out smuggling opium from Turkey to China, then took over the illegal Perkins opium syndicate in Boston) formed the first US chapter of Skull and Bones in 1832 at Yale University with Alphonso Taft, who was US ambassador to Russia and father of US President William Howard Taft.

Huntington attracted members from the most powerful American families - Lord, Whitney, Taft, Bundy, Harriman, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt and Bush - to name a few. The Russell family incorporated “The Order” as “The Russell Trust” in 1856, according to Dr. Sutton and others.

Traditionally, the Skull and Bones has been close to US intelligence circles. Skull and Bones member George Bush was director of the CIA, for example. Other well-known members are William Buckley and Henry Luce.

Parts of US intelligence, surprisingly, date back to Yale University. Four Yale graduates formed part of “The Culper Ring”, one of the first American spy agencies. The Culper Ring was established by George Washington during the American revolution to spy on the British.

Robert Anton Wilson’s book Everything is Under Control mentions that the Skull and Bones temple at Yale is called “The Tomb.” Wilson also says that in World War II, “The Whippenpoof Song” became the official song of the OSS, which recruited many initiates of Skull and Bones and graduates of Yale. It has long been rumored that initiation into the very secret Skull and Bones Order involves the candidate stealing the skull of a famous historical figure - hence the Order’s strange name. Rumor has it the Order currently possesses the skulls of Pancho Villa and Geronimo.

Another legend has each Skull and Bones candidate laying in a coffin, reciting his own sexual history before his brethren. The Order of the Skull and Bones was even satirized in the popular cartoon newspaper strip “Doonesbury”, by Gary Trudeau. Gary Trudeau’s work has also focused on psychedelic issues from time to time.

In his cartoon “Doonesbury” - read by hundreds of millions of people - we saw a several week installment surrounding the then ongoing MDMA debacle. This was during the period when MDMA was legal, then illegal. In his own way, Trudeau brought MDMA’s plight to the masses, albeit in satirical form.

The cartoonist donated the art originals from his cartoon strip to Rick Doblin of MAPS (Multi Disciplinary Association For Psychedelic Studies) who auctioned the artwork off. These funds went to pay for scientific MDMA research at hospitals and universities. Again - let us reiterate - Alexander Shulgin is considered the godfather of the whole MDMA movement. He bred it and he led it - albeit behind the scenes.

Control Mechanisms

When Lyndon LaRouche ran for President in 1980, he started an investigation into the Skull and Bones membership of rival candidate George Bush, Sr. LaRouche stated, “Skull and Bones is no mere fraternity, no alumni association with added mumbo-jumbo. It is a very serious, very dedicated cult-conspiracy against the US Constitution.”

Dr. Anthony Sutton emphasizes, “The Order has either set up or penetrated about every significant research or policy, and opinion-making organization in the United States” (both quotes, Jim Marrs’ Rule By Secrecy). The New York Observer recently printed the following story: “Skull and Bones Rites Filmed,” Ron Rosenbaum, NY Observer: It’s the primal scene of American power, of Bush family values. For two centuries, the initiation rites of the Skull and Bones Society has shaped the character of men who have shaped the American character, including two Presidents named Bush.

And last Saturday, April 14th [2001] for the first time ever that long secret rite was witnessed by a team of outsiders, including this writer. Using high-tech night vision video equipment able to peer through the gloom into the inner courtyard of the Skull and Bones “Tomb” in New Haven, The Observer team witnessed The George W. effect.

Intoxicated by renewed proximity to Presidential power, a robed Bonesman posing as George W. harangued initiates in an eerily accurate Texas drawl: “I’m gonna kill you like I killed Al Gore...” Privileged Skull and Bones members mocked the assault of Abner Louima by crying out repeatedly “Take that plunger out of my ass”. Skull and Bones members hurled obscene sexual insults (“lick my bum hole”) at initiates as they were forced to kneel and kiss a skull at the feet of the initiators.

Other members acted out the tableau of a throat-cutting ritual murder. It is important to remember this is not some fraternity initiation. It is an initiation far more secret and far more significant in terms of real power in the United States than that of the Cosa Nostra.

If the Bushes are the “WASP Corleones” the ever more stingingly waspish Maureen Dowd has suggested this is how their “made men” (and women) are made. It is an initiation ceremony that has bonded diplomats, media moguls, bankers and spies into a lifelong, multi-generational fellowship far more influential than any fraternity. It was and still remains the heart of the heart, of the American establishment.

Another example of a modern mystical group with CIA and intelligence ties would be “The Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple”. The Temple’s leader was Luc Jouret, according to The London Times, by way of author Alex Constantine in his book Psychic Dictatorship In America.

Constantine mentions that the Temple’s initiates also call themselves “The Knights of Christ.” The “Knights” appear to be an idealistic cross between the medieval Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians, but with shadowy CIA connections. For weeks our media reported on this groups mass suicides in Granges, Switzerland and Morin Heights, Canada. Canadian journalist Pierre Tourangeau did a lengthy investigation that turned up startling news about BCCI business.

The Solar Temple made hundreds of millions of dollars selling arms to terrorists in Europe and South America. This money was then laundered through the infamous BCCI - The Bank of Credit and Commerce International. The BCCI was a favorite of the CIA, terrorist’s and drug smugglers worldwide, used for laundering unusually large amounts of cash. The District Attorney who closed the NYC branch of the BCCI found that 16 witnesses died in the course of the investigation. Montreal’s La Presse observed “each new piece of evidence only thickens the mystery”. And this was only a cursory look.

RuleBy Secrecy (Jim Marrs) mentions that the original 1980 investigations into BCCI were held up by then President George Bush, Sr., who finally appointed Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to head up the investigation. It was later discovered that Kerry had received several substantial BCCI contributions and was himself a Skull and Bones initiate.

Marrs goes on to say that “many telltale connections between Skull and Bones and the CIA (and the earlier OSS) are discernible”. Marrs’ book lists other CIA executives who are Skull and Bones initiates. We catch only partial glimpses of these secret groups when consulting orthodox historians, who avoid serious speculation. The media, trying to place matters into a “work-a-day world” viewpoint, seem truly mystified. But these hidden groups are very real and do display varying degrees of power and chicanery.

The Bohemian Club and Bohemian Grove wield the same sort of power as Skull and Bones. They shape world events on a historic level and they answer to no one save their own. The Bohemians holds their secrets well. The Bohemian Club and Bohemian Grove - Shulgin’s “Owl Club” if you will - is simply the latest and the greatest of the Illuminati’s war-engines. What about the “cabalistic rituals” performed at Bohemian Grove, described by Newsweek?

Cremation of Care

One major ritual at Bohemian Grove is called “The Cremation of Care” and involves members wearing red-hooded robes while cremating a coffin-effigy of “dull care” at the base of a 40 foot giant owl (again, Shulgin calls “The Bohemian Club” “The Owl Club” in his books). This is an annual ceremony that opens Bohemian Grove enclaves. In 2001, this fantastic ceremony was finally videotaped by Alex Jones for Infowars describes these videotapes as “...

The male-only elitest gathering chants for the death of “care” symbolized by a human body ... these photos were captured via digital-video by Alex Jones, inside Bohemian Grove”. There you have it, if you believe the camera, which I do. “Dull care” may translate into one thing for Grove members - perhaps the creation of a light-hearted atmosphere, male bonding, etc. among Grove brothers. In thinking about where the Grove’s activities lead - back to each members day-to-day decisions and über-careers, “dull-care” translates into a significant-other. This significant-other reminds us, “What about common ethics, right and wrong and good versus evil?”

These ideas are especially important because the work or decisions of many Grove members involve intelligence gathering, politics and warfare - things that decide our collective and individual lives, and the lives of future generations. Or as Grove members might say... “dull care and more dull-care”. Hooded and cloaked in red, worshiping before a 40-foot giant owl. The most powerful men in the world. Each a king among men. The smartest and the bravest - leaders of nations and shapers of history. What are we supposed to make of this?

And why would a group choose an owl as its central icon and symbol. Owls even appear on the cocktail napkins used at The Bohemian Club and The Bohemian Grove. Owl symbolism and imagery includes the popular “wise old owl” phrase known by all. “The Owl and the Pussycat” is a popular children’s rhyme. But lets step back a bit... and slowly descend into the archetypal perspectives that vitalize “The Cremation of Care”.

Who-t Who-t

If you wish to understand some of the motivations - the reality - of the men who drive the nuclear weapons industry, the military-industrial complex, the CIA and many of our Presidential elections, look at the designs on the wall of the temple. Look at the rituals. Look at the symbols. Look at the Owl. First and foremost, an owl is an animal. It is a bird of prey with forward-looking eyes. It sees in the dark and hunts at night. But it is not the flesh and blood animal we seek.

Amplifying the image of the owl is our goal - its worth as a symbol and icon. To better understand the 40-foot giant owl totem of the Illuminati - our goal stands before us. The owl archetype that Dr. Shulgin - in his robes and his hoods, in person or by proxy – let’s watch over his affairs ... a most worthy goal indeed. Goals thrice and goals fair, let our questions be answered. The scene shifts to a library. Before us stands a bookcase with many tomes on closely held secrets.

Webster’s New International Dictionary defines “owl” as, “operating on or about midnight, or all night.” Further, “owling” is defined as “the act of smuggling... the carrying on of contraband trade”. We open another book. The late 12th or 13th century poem “The Owl and the Nightingale” by Tyrell is pertinent as a debate between a nightingale and an owl -- debate 2000 lines long.

The exchanges range over a number of topics including witchcraft, the church and marriage. The theme is good and evil. The nightingale is associated with “lightness”, perhaps even mirth. The owl brings foreboding and a denser, looming visage. James Joyce explored owl symbolism in his book Finnegan’s Wake when he wrote “...those supercilious looking criss-crossed Greek ees awkwardlike perched there and here out of date like sick owls... and, in short, the learning betrayed at almost every line’s end... the curious warning sign before our protoparent’s...”. Joyce had plenty to say about Owls and criss-crossed crossroads.

In Roman mythology, to hear the hoot of an owl meant imminent death. The Romans also believed that witches were transformed into owls that sucked the blood of babies. The famous myth of Persephone and Demeter has Asklepios turned into an owl - “a sluggish screech owl, a loathsome creature”. In English literature, the owl had a sinister reputation probably because it was a bird of darkness and is always associated with death.

Dark Winged Watchers

During the 18th and 19th century, the poets Robert Blair and William Wordsworth used the owl as their favorite “bird of doom”. During that period many people believed that the screech of an owl meant imminent death. The Hopi Indians see the owl as their God of the dead. The name for this particular owl is Ko’ko, which means “watcher of the dark” What better metaphor for clandestine surveillance?

Cherokee shamans believed that owls could bring sickness and death. To the Mojave Indians of Arizona, one would become an owl after death before turning into a water beetle. The California Newuks believed that after death the wicked were doomed to become barn owls. In old Ethiopia, a man condemned to death was taken to a table on which an owl was painted and expected to take his own life. To the Etruscans of ancient Italy the owl was the god of darkness.

In Hawaii, owls figured in ancient war chants. In Southern India one hoot from an owl meant an omen of death. In parts of the Indian subcontinent, people believed that owls were married to bats. Sri Lankans also believed owls and bats were related. In Ireland it was believed that if an owl flew into the house it must be killed at once, lest it steal all the good luck. In old Israel owls represented blindness and desolation and are unclean. In Jamaica, one can ward off an owls bad luck with the cry “salt and pepper for your mammy”. In Madagascar, owls join witches and dance on the graves of the dead.

In Malawi owls carry messages for witches. In Malaya, owls eat newborn babies. In Morocco the cry of an owl can kill an infant. In Mongolia, owls enter houses at night to gather human fingernails for sorcery. In New Mexico, the hooting of owls warns of the coming of witches. In New Zealand among the Maoris, the owl is an unlucky bird. In Poland, an owl cry heard in the home meant impending death or illness. In the Shetland Isles, a cow will give bad milk if scared by an owl. In Sumeria, the goddess of death Lilith was attended by owls. In Sweden the owl is associated with witches.

In Tangiers owls are clairvoyants of the devil. In Central Africa owls are familiars to wizards. In Southern Africa among the Zulu’s the owl is known as the sorcerer’s bird. In Western Africa the owl is the messenger of witches and the owls cry presages evil. In Arabia the owl is a bird of ill omen, an embodiment of evil spirits that carry children off in the night. In Australia among the Aborigine’s, bats represent the souls of men, owls the souls of women.

Among the Aztec’s evil gods wore a bat on his forehead. In Bordeaux (France) one must throw salt on the fire to avoid a owl’s curse. In Camaroon, the owl is too evil to name. It is known only as “the bird that makes you afraid”.

The Owl is a primary symbol for humankind. “This is the prop that has been placed in the group or “dreaming mind” of the masses. Being programmed - while you are awake - by symbols of which you are unconscious, is essentially a description of mass hypnosis,” says Michael Hofmann II in Apocalypse Culture II.

We stand away from the bookshelf. The night air is perfumed and off in the distance we catch glimpses of leaves being burned. Still life in autumn. The harvest moon is full. This moon hangs ripe, like a drooping pumpkin orphaned in the field. Mice scamper. And where there are mice, comes the owl.

Owls are common fright symbols connected to autumn harvest rituals like Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. All Hallows Eve is a Witches holy day, or Sabbath. We put silhouettes of owls, ghosts and pumpkins on windows to scare away the spooky kids who are trick-or-treating. So besides thinking of owls as wise, kids know them as a spooky creature from the shadows. Owls run with black cats and goblins. We can only guess what owls standing 40 feet high run with.

It’s no wonder wierd occult rumors exist surrounding Shulgin’s “Owl Club”. When one chooses a symbol like the Owl, especially a 40-foot symbol fantastic, there are implications. You’re almost asking for psychic turbulence. Regarding the Owl, the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove, author K. B. Wells, Jr. has this to say: “The last symbol we will examine regarding the one dollar bill is located on the front, and it is rather hidden. Go to the upper right side and look to the left side of the crest that surrounds the number “1”. Peeking out at you is a small owl, a symbol of the Bohemian branch of the Illuminati...

Initiatory Theatre

The Bohemian chapter is a section of the Columbian faction of the original society created by Adam Weishaupt.” The use of coffin imagery (and tombs or crypts generally) as in the “cremation of care” ritual is also symbolic of death and the fear of death. The use of coffins in ritual is very Freemasonic and is also used by the The Order of the Skull and Bones in their initiations.

In the Freemasonic “Mark-Master” ritual, the initiate is led blindfolded with a hangman's noose (called a cable-tow) and put into a coffin, according to authors Robert Anton Wilson, Michael Hoffman II and others.

The candidate is then cajoled and frightened into a dissociated state. Specific symbolic imprints are next “impressed” or “marked” in the candidate’s unconscious. This is an occult method for creating the Masonic “perfect master” after “architecture” has been applied to the unconscious. This is always done under the cloak of darkness and death-threats are made against those who would profane.

Masonic rituals were originally done in groves, caves and tombs or at cross-roads, according to many researchers. Ancient Roman criminals who were executed by hanging were buried at crossroads. Associations between crossroads, death and evil still exists. The Grove (or Owl Club) members also watch and participate in plays and stage dramas. In all stage plays at Bohemian Grove, male actors in disguise portray women. Etymologically, the word “disguise” translates as “transvestitism” or cross-dressing. These plays are prominent features at Bohemian Grove.

From a psychic standpoint and because of other symbols and rituals performed at the Grove, one could see these plays as ceremony. And look for symbolic clues within the ceremony. Occult author James Shelby Downard has written about this aspect of Bohemian Grove theater. His article “Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism”, which appeared in Apocalypse Culture, builds a fantastic scenario. Downard asserts that nothing at Bohemian Grove is innocent. Boys dressing as girls and girls as boys for a high school play - this is innocent. But cross-dressing in an atmosphere involving 40 foot owls and red-hooded, cloaked robes - this is something else again. Downard projects Grove cross-dressing into “cross-roads rites” and Grove theater becomes Grove ceremony.

Crossroad rites are something anthropologists have tied to ancient Hecate worship. Hecate is the Greek goddess of death and the underworld. Hecate is also called “The Black Dog” when she appears astride her multi-headed devil dog, Cerebus. James Shelby Downard believes that multiple death symbols - a psychic contagion of sorts - surrounds Bohemian Grove.

These many death symbols kindle a complex or a myth. Such symbols also represent twin timelines - one timeline is conscious and the other is unconscious. According to Michael Anthony Hoffman II in Apocalypse Culture II , “significant symbols placed in significant areas seem to ‘bend’ reality... these places exist both in the mind and in physical places”.

Hoffman II writes that symbols connected to certain Gods and Goddesses can actually “bend reality”, recreating psychic spaces or dreamtimes from long ago. These symbols provide the numinous space needed for an archetypal appearance. An archetype is a “conscious” part of the unconscious, a psychological construct that also can be seen as a God or Goddess, depending on history and culture.

Archetypes exist temporally and eternally; they exist within time and outside of time. There are individual archetypes and group archetypes, according to scholars like C.G. Jung, Mercea Eliade and Joseph Campbell. You spot an archetype’s influence through repetitive symbol patterns and pervasive themes. You also spot archetypes through their power to manifest additional supporting symbolism and synchronicity - storylines which are recursive and circumlocutive.

Simply put, Gods and Goddesses can reach across time and create temples. Some temples are physical and some are imaginal, existing in dreamtime. The Gods and Goddesses of ancient Babylon can enact archetypal scripts and touch anyone anywhere, in any time, as they wish.

The year 2002 is the same as the year 100 BC to them. Such is the power of the chthonic. Hecate is “accompanied by dogs, and is in turn linked with the demons of the chthonian cults”, says French symbolist C.E. Cirlot. Jacob Rabinowitz’ 1998 book The Rotting Goddess says that “Hecate opens the adamantine gates of death in Theokritas, and the entrance to Virgil’s hell is Hecate’s grove”.

Hecate is worshiped by burning incense made of cow-dung, goat-fat, baboon feces and garlic. Smells associated with decay and death constitutes the ambiance of chthonic Hecate. Hecate is universally associated with human and animal sacrifice, evil, cross-dressing and an infernal grove. No doubt about it,

Hecate would love Nuclear bombs , X-Ray Lasers and Star Wars technology. Whether Hecate exists in the literal sense, a psychological archetype connected to death and war is certainly real and has existed throughout human history. Such an archetype might manifest in modern times via the leaders of the military-industrial complex or the heads of the CIA.

To understand the power of the archetype one must think mythologically, beyond psychology or normal politics. One must become psychedelic. For the uninitiated, the archetype would certainly seem supernatural or occult. Archetypes play through a gathering of clustered symbols and themes. When college fraternities “play” at secret-rituals they invoke an archetype. It is no different at Bohemian Grove except that Bohemian members build nuclear weapons, create wars, set economies and control media.

Dr. Anthony C. Sutton says, “For decades there have been vague rumors about weird goings-on in Bohemian Grove in more remote parts of its 2200 acres. Reliable reports claim Druidic-like rituals, Druids in red-hooded robes marching in procession and chanting to the great Owl (Moloch), A funeral pyre with ‘corpses’. ... An article in a local paper... the Santa Rosa Sun (July, 1993) reported on the ‘Cult of Canaan’ and the legend of Moloch at place at Bohemian Grove.”

Moloch and Hecate worship originally involved human-sacrifice, according to religious scholars. Sensational stories involving mind-control, rape, blood-drinking and human-sacrifice at Bohemian Grove have appeared in several books, including David Icke’s The Truth Shall Set You Free and Children of the Matrix, Cathy O’Brien’s Trance-Formation of America, Brice Taylor’s Thanks For the Memories and Annie McKenna’s Paperclip Dolls.

It is not the scope of this work to go into the bizarre pornographic, occult or mind-control claims surrounding Bohemian Grove - or is it ? If mythological processing is occurring at Bohemian Grove, shadow tales will continue and become even more public, radical and frightening. It is important to understand that archetypes create myth. When archetypes emerge, extraordinary behaviors and beliefs result. This includes costumery & ritual, symbols and theater. People worship before 40 foot owls or accuse each other of mind-control, rape, blood-drinking and human sacrifice.

When the word ‘occult’ is used in association with Bohemian Grove it should be seen in this light. Perhaps the most interesting if not disturbing parts of Bohemian Grove are the lectures or “lakeside chats” put on for members. Whatever one makes of Grove theater and ceremony, the lakeside chats are power and elitism perfected.

The 1991 Bohemian Grove lectures included such topics as “America’s Health Care Revolution :Who Lives, Who Dies and Who Pays” by Joseph Califano, Secretary of HEW during the Carter administration, “Smart Weapons” by John Lehman and “Defining a New World Order” given by Elliot Richardson. At the 1992 gathering, a telling line was given at the end of the opening monologue.

Multimedia PsyOps

This line was “The Middle-Ages are at an end, and the age of imperial conquest has begun...!” At the 1995 Bohemian Grove meeting, lectures included “Voodoo Is Alive and Well” by Arthur Davis and “Communication and Weaving Spiders - The Complex Web of Futuristic Communications” by Alex Mandl, past executive vice-president of AT&T. As usual the Bohemians have plans for our future. In this future we shall speak, but certainly not to Bohemian Grove members. And our will to remember - what of that?

One curious Grove lecture was “The Recovered Memory Movement” by Fred Crews. An ironic topic, considering that the subject of “recovered memory” is centered in the survivors of abuse who stand up to their tormentors. What about the survivors of war? What about the survivors of CIA arms smuggling? Or heroin or cocaine smuggling? What about the survivors of “smart weapons”? What about the survivors of the Illuminati? What about, what about, what about...?

The 1997 Bohemian Grove gathering included James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA. Mr. Martin, the senior writer for Financial Times , spoke on “Heretical Thought”. Real heretical thought would allow independent reporters access to these meetings. Donald Rumsfield, a member of the Nixon cabinet, reflected on “The Best of Times and the Worst of Times”. Life can still be hard at Bohemian Grove, even after the death of “dull-care”. 1999 Grove lectures included Kenneth Rendele’s “Psychological Warfare in World War II” and Walter Hussman’s “Lying, Stealing and Cheating In the Media”.

The idea here is that media is corrupt and those at the Grove are exempt. It’s nobody’s business what they do , even if it involves owning the media itself. Sasha Shulgin, writing in TIHKAL - makes an almost prophetic statement so far as Elliot Richardson’s 1992 “New World Order” lecture at Bohemian Grove: Perhaps there is a cabal of unknown people - a behind the scenes council - of a dozen or so super-ego’s who will exploit some minor tragedy within this highly charged drug-hysteria with a move to force the President to declare a national emergency, effectively suspending the remaining fragments of the US Constitution.

This would automatically institute a state of martial law, and that would allow the inclusion of the military forces in the corralling and sequestering of any particular segments of the civilian population. Perhaps some charismatic military person might emerge from behind the wizard’s curtain and win national approval in demanding, and obtaining, a national referendum to take whatever steps might be called for , to return our society to the stable and secure condition that is our national self-image. ...

We will be the fourth Reich ... and celebrate our own Hitler. We will have ceased to be a republic. - TIHKAL, pp. 381 Are we to believe that a group like The Bohemian Club - made up of top CIA officials, Republican Presidents and international bankers - haven’t thought this through? These men are collectively worth billions of dollars - most of it made from the military-industrial complex. War-mongerers and profiteers, the lot of them.

We shall use Shasha’s own words in describing the Bohemian Club: “A cabal of unknown people”... “ A behind the scenes council”...”A dozen [more like a couple of thousand or so - TL] super-ego’s who will exploit...”. This might be an amusing fantasy except for a few things. Dr. Alexander Shulgin’s work is very real. Just ask anyone who has eaten MDMA, 2-CB or STP. Or looked at his 17 patents. Or his over 200 publications.

All the members of Bohemian Grove and the Bohemian Club are also very real - just pick up any newspaper for these people’s real-life bio’s. The bibliography which follows this article is very real, so much can be substantiated. Sasha Shulgin’s favorite “private gentlemen’s club” as he refers to it, is “the Owl Club” which in fact is the Bohemian Grove and the Bohemian Club. This is a group that is far beyond the pale so far as games of tesselary. A group that acts outside of most people’s reality. And then creates or bends a good part of reality as we know it. How can someone create the ultimate “peace pill” like MDMA and sit with war-mongerers, nuclear arms dealers and media cheats?

There is no doubt that MDMA is a healing force in this world. MDMA is absolutely an agent of grace and light, attested to by millions who have enjoyed it. How can MDMA’s Godfather, Dr. Shulgin, sit at Bohemian Grove and then casually write about this in his books? How can he help create a drug that promotes truth and communication and sit in a secret society (Dr. Shulgin calls it a “private gentlemen’s club”) focused on themes of secrecy, war and death? There is the light and there is the shadow, Sasha.

The complete history of the psychedelic movement has yet to be told. Pieces of this history involve Aldous Huxley, Gregory Bateson, Captain Al Hubbard, Tim Leary, Ken Kesey, Stanley Owsley and other so-called PC - politically correct - “heroes” of the psychedelic sixties. But most of these can be tied to social engineering agendas, originating in Tavistock Institute and before.

Read Jay Stevens Storming Heaven or Joel Selvin’s Summer of Love for these “acceptable” parts. This story has a sinister side however, involving secret societies, the occult, the CIA, the Mafia and the forces of darkness.

Martin Lee and Bruce Schlain’s Acid Dreams goes into this as does Brotherhood of Eternal Love by Stuart Tendler and David May. So does Acid:The Secret History of LSD by David Black. An accurate, comprehsive occult history of the psychedelic movement remains to be written. This “history” was spin-doctored from its inception to destabilized and malign the peace movement and radical philosophy.

Where the Truth Lies

Consider these deeply troubling connections between the dark side of the occult and the history of psychedelics like MDMA. Having seen through the good, the bad and the fantastic, we must pause. History often can be clarified through reflection and the psychedelic movement is no exception. If there ever was a subject riddled with amazing and fantastic mysteries, it is psychedelics. They have been used since ancient times to both illumine and control segments of the population.

Where does Alexander Shulgin fit into modern history? What was his role and motivations? Was MDMA Alexander Shulgin’s attempt to set aright the Thanatos archetype as celebrated by The Bohemians with an upwelling of Eros? Did he atone for earlier work developing pesticides at Dow, which directly or indirectly nurtured modern chemical warfare, including the horror-weapon Saxitoxin developed from “algae and lichen research” championed by Dr. Shulgin, way back when? This is not to say Shasha did anything wrong beyond opening doors long ago and leaving them open.

These questions are not easily answered, even by dropping acid or eating MDMA 1000 times over. Sasha, the ball is in your court. Tell your children and grandchildren about Bohemian Grove. Explain away these rituals, the 40-foot giant owl and elitist pacts made in secret by “the dogs of war”, as Bob Dylan calls them. Tell them about the legend of the Illuminati and the occult interests of the CIA and The Watchers and The Controllers. All helped create and promote the psychedelic storyline.




Aaron, Herbert and C. Parker Ferguson (while working for Edgewood Arsenal). “Synthesis of the Eight Stereoisomers of a Tetrahydrocannabinol”, The Journal of Organic Chemistry (33) 2 (1968)

Adamson, Sophia. Through the Gateway of the Heart: Accounts of Experiences With MDMA and other Empathogenic Substances. San Francisco: Four Trees Publications (1985)

Addison, Charles G. The History of the Knights Templar. Kempton,IL: Adventures Unlimited Press (1997) Akutagawa, Ryunosuke. “In A Grove”, In Rashomon and Other Stories (Trans. Takashi Kojima). New York: Liveright Publishers (1952)

Allen, Gary None Shall Call It Conspiracy. Seal Beach, CA: Concord Press (1971)

Anon. “Robert Anton Wilson Interview”, Conspiracy Digest 2(2) Spring (1977)

Anon. “The End of Psychedelic Exploration: From Slothrop’s Home Page to Shulgin’s Psychedelic Explorations”. Privately printed. (1997) A Shulgin bibliography, using Shulgin’s private notation system. This version lists 155 Shulgin publications. R. Forte’s Entheogen’s and the Future of Religion claims over 200 publications.

Anon. “The 1979 Bilderberg Society Meeting: Planning A New “Oil Crisis”, Conspiracy Digest 4(1) Winter (1979-80). Biographies of many Bilderberg Society members.

Anon. “Magic Mountains of the Mind: Big Wheels Al Fresco”, The Economist (Dec. 28, 1987) Bohemiam Grove report.

Anon. “Rock Bottom”, The Sonoma County Independent, July 16-22 edition. Occidental California. (1998a) A curious, well-researched article about The Grateful Dead’s invitation to play a concert at Bohemian Grove in 1998.

Anon. Letter to Thomas Lyttle about Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead. (1998b) Weir’s college room-mate was Chip Wood, the son of a CIA Bureau Chief. Wood believed that Weir built the GD as part of a CIA’s MK-ULTRA project to infiltrate the counter-culture. Hence The Grateful Dead’s alleged connections to Bohemian Grove in 1998, as reported by The Sonoma County Independent and other sources. Atlas, James. “The Shadow In the Garden”,The New Yorker , pp. 74-78 (July 3,1995)

Babb, Peter “Masonics 101”, Eye #15 (1998).

Baigent, Michael and Richard Leigh. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. New York: Dell Publishing ( 1983) Explores Freemasonic, Knights Templar history Ibid. The Temple and the Lodge. New York: Arcade Publishing (1989)

Barruel (Abbe) and Arouet. The Illuminati, Or Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism- Vol. 1 . Denver, CO: Gladious Publishing (1999). This is a reprint of a classic work about Weishaupt’s Illuminati, written by an initiate. It contains an extensive bibliography with 400 footnotes. Barthes, Roland. Mythologies Selected and Translated from the French by Annette Lavers. . London: Jonothan Cape (1972)

Beck, Jerome and Marsha Rosenbaum. Pursuit of Ecstacy: The MDMA Experience . New York: State University of New York Press (1994). Major academic work on MDMA.

Becker, Alfred. Christian Gottlob Neefe Und Die Bonner Illuminaten . Bonn: Bouvier Verlag (1969) German-language classic about the Illuminati.

Bergman, Martin S. In The Shadow of Moloch: The Sacrifice of Children and Its’ Impact On Western Religion. New York: Columbia University Press (1992). A scholarly look at human sacrifice cults. Babylonian Moloch cults which practiced human sacrifice, used Owl totems.

Bernard, David. Light On Freemasonry .Wash. DC: Vonneida and Sowers (1858)

Black, David. Acid: The Secret History of LSD . London:Vision Paperbacks/Satin Publications (1998)

Blum, Jack (with J. Beaty and S.C. Gwynne). The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride Into the Secrett Heart of BCCI. New York: Random House (1993)

Bohemian Club. The 1982-2002 List of Camp and Camp Members and Key to Camp Locations. Sonoma, CA.: Bohemian Club (1982-2002)

Ibid. Grove Midsummer’s Encampment Guest List, 1982-2002. Sonoma,CA.: Bohemian Club (1982-2002) Bohemian Grove Action Network (Ed.). “Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet”, Sonoma County Free Press (Jan. 2001)

Bonnefoy,Yves and Wendy Doniger (Ed’s.). Mythologies (2 Vol.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1991)

Broadbent, Lucy. “The Einstein of Ecstacy”, The Independent (London) Edit. 3. Cover story. (Tues, Aug. 5, 1997) Profile of Dr. Alexander Shulgin. Brown, David Jay and Rebecca Novick. “Chemophilia, With Alexander and Ann Shulgin”, in Voices From the Edge. Freedom,Cal.: Crossing Press (1995) Interview with the Shulgins. Buongiorno, Pino. “Mondo Loro”, Panorama (Aug.12,1990) Italian-language article (with photos) about Bohemian Grove. Contains phrases like “una delle maggiori fabbriche di armi del mondo” or “one of the biggest arms manufacturers in the world” and “Superclub, che mania!, or “Superclub, what a craze!”.

Burkett, Larry. The Illuminati . Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson (1991)

Bynum, Caroline Walker, et al, (Ed’s.). Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols. Boston: Beacon Press (1986)

Campbell, Joseph. The Hero With A Thousand Faces. New York: Pantheon (1949)

Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass, in Martin Gardner’s The Annotated Alice. . New York: Bramhall House (1960)

Chailley, Jacques. The Magic Flute Unveiled: Esoteric Symbolism In Mozart’s Masonic Opera. Rochester, VT.: Inner Traditions (1999)

Cirlot, C.E. A Dictionary of Symbols. New York : Philosophical Library (1962)

Cloud, John. “The Lure of Ecstacy”,Time (June 5, 2000) Cover story about MDMA.

Cohen, Jeff and Norman Soloman. “Keeping Secrets, Not Reporting Them”, The Orlando Weekly (Aug.31-Sept. 6 ,1995) Bohemian Grove and media blackouts.

Collin, Matthew. Altered State: The Story of Ecstacy Culture and Acid House. London: Serpent’s Tail (1997)

Daraul, Arkon . A History of Secret Societies . New York : Carol Publishing Group (1995)

Delacoste, F. and P. Alexander. Sex Works: Writings by Women In the Sex Industry .San Francisco: Cleis Press (1987) Interesting accounts of prostitution at Bohemian Grove.

DeMac, Donna. Washington Update On Information Policy . New York: PEN American Center (1998) This is an excellent guidebook re: The Freedom of Information Act.

Doniger, Wendy. “Structuralist Universals and Freudian Universals”, History of Religions 28 (3) 267-81

Dornhoff, William C. The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats. New York: Harper and Row (1974). The hardbound edition of this book has a 59-page overview of Bohemian Grove and a 130 page “Appendix of Heavies” which analyzes the overlapping “social-club” and secret-society memberships of hundreds of prominent men from business, academia and the media. Downard, James Shelby. “King Kill 330” in Apocalypse Culture by Adam Parfrey (Ed.). Los Angeles, CA.: Amok Press (1987)

Ibid. “Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism” in Secret and Suppressed by Jim Keith (Ed.) .Portland, OR: Feral House (1993)

Ibid. Letter to Thomas Lyttle regarding Lyttle’s immersion into an Illuminati “magical charade”. (1993)

Ibid. Letter to Thomas Lyttle regarding “Communist leader Leon Trotsky and his personal aid Fred Zeller, who was a Masonic Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, and who later broke all ties with the Masons”. (1994)

Ibid. Skullduggery, Privately circulated, unpublished manuscript (no date)

Ibid. Flashbacks , Privately circulated, unpublished article (no date)

Ibid. Mayday / M’aidez , Privately circulated, unpublished article (no date) DuBois, Josiah. The Devils Chemists . Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press (1952)

Dundes, Alan (Ed.). “The Psychoanalytic Study of Grimms’ Tales, With Special Reference to The Maiden Without Hands” (AT 706), The Germanic Review 62 (2): 50-65

Edith, Simon. The Piebald Standard: A Biography of the Knight Templars . Boston: Little, Brown and Co. (1959)

Eisner, Bruce. Ecstacy: The MDMA Story . Berkeley, California: Ronin (1989)

Engel, Leopold. Geschichte des Illuminens-Ordens, Ein Betrag zur Geschichte Bayerns . Berlin: Privately published (1906). German-language classic about the Illuminati.

English, R. The Centennial Grove Play: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Bohemian Club. Sonoma, Ca.: Bohemian Club (1972) 134 pp. book.

Epperson, A. Ralph. The New World Order. Tucson, AZ: Publius Press ( 1990)

Fay, Bernard. Revolution and Freemasonry . Boston: Little Brown and Co. (1935)

FOIE, Inc. Freedom of Information Kit . Brooklyn, NY: FOIA, Inc. (1999)

Forestier, R. Les Illuminés de Bavarièr et la France-Maconnerie allemande . Paris ( 1915) French-language classic about the Illuminati.

Forte, Robert. Entheogens and the Future of Religion.. San Francisco, CA: Council On Spiritual Practices (1997)

Freemantle, Brian. CIA . New York: Stein and Day (1984) Gehr, Richard “The State of the Stone. A Psychedelic Reformation is Under Way: A Report From the Edge”, Village Voice , pp. 33-36 (Nov 5, 1996)

Gertz, Bill. “Horror Weapons”, Air Force Magazine, pp. 43-49 (Jan. 1986)

Giago, Tim “Where Are They Hiding Geronimo’s Skull”, Lakota Nation Journal (Winter, 2000). Details Ned Anderson’s correspondences between himself, the FBI and Skull and Bones over possesion of Geronimo’s skull - a long rumored and now proven Skull and Bones artifact.

Gilman, Richard. “Some Observations Concerning the Masonic Origins of the American Republic”, Conspiracy Digest IV(1) Winter (1978-79).

Ginzburg, Carlo. Ecstacies: Deciphering the Witches Sabbath . (Trans. Raymond Rosenthal). New York: Pantheon Books (1991)

Ibid. “Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes : Clues and Scientific Method”, History Workshop 9 pp.5-36 (1980)

Goldman, Robert P. “Transsexualism, Gender and Anxiety In Traditional India”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3) 374-401

Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. New York: Octagon books ( 1972)

Guyette, David. “Deep Black: The CIA’s Secret Drug Wars , Nexus (1997)

Hayden, Sydney. Washington and His Masonic Compeers . New York: Privately printed (1867)

Herbert, Vivian. Secret Societies Old and New. London: Thronton Butterworth Ltd. (1927)

Heckethorn, Charles W. The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries (2 Vol.). New York: University Books (1965)

Hoar, Willam P. Architects of Conspiracy: An Intriquing History. Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands (1992)

Hoffmann, Frederich and William A. Mosher “Isolation of Trans-Delta-6-Tetrahydrocannabinol From Marijuana”, Journal of the American Chemical Society , April 20, pp. 1832 (1966)

Hoffman II, Michael Anthony. Masonic Assassination . Geneva, NY: Rialto Books (1978, 1999)

Ibid. Letter to Thomas Lyttle regarding Bible hermeneutics and Christian Anabaptist cults. (1980)

Ibid. The Secrets of Masonic Mind Control: Alchemical Psychodrama and the Processing of Humanity. Temecula, CA.: Wiswell-Ruffin (1989)

Ibid. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare . Couer d’Arlene, Idaho: Riswell-Ruffin (1997, 2001) Updated and expanded version of The Secrets of Masonic Mind Control .

Ibid. Truth or Consequences (spoken word recording). Couer d’Arlene, Idaho: The Campaign for Radical Truth In History (1998)

Ibid. Magic and Paganism In the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I : Was the Rise of the British Empire a Result of a Pact With the Devil ? (spoken word recording). Couer d’Arlene, Idaho: The Campaign For Radical Truth In History (1998)

Ibid. Agents of Paralysis (spoken word recording). Couer d’Arlene, Idaho: The Campaign For Radical Truth In History (1998)

Ibid. Vigilantes of the Apocalypse (spoken word recording). Couer d’Arlene, Idaho: The Campaign for Radical Truth In History (1998)

Ibid. The Anti-Masonic Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (spoken word recording). Couer d’Arlene, Idaho: The Campaign for Radical Truth in History (1998)

Holbek, Bengt. Interpretation of Fairy Tales.. Helsinki: Folklore Fellows Communication No. 239 (1987)

Holland, Julie. Ecstacy: The Complete Guide. Rochester, VT. : Park St. Press (2001) . Includes the chapter “The Godparents of MDMA: An Interview With Ann and Sasha Shulgin”.

Howard, M. The Occult Conspiracy . New York: MJF Press (1989)

Howarth, Stephen. Knight s Templars . New York: Dorset (1982) Hutton, Webster. Primitive Secret-Societies: A Study In Early Politics and Religion. New York: McMillon Co. (1932)

Icke, David. ... And the Truth Shall Set You Free. Cambridge, England: Bridge of Love Pub. (1995) Shows a photo of ‘The Cremation of Care’ ritual, celebrated annually at Bohemian Grove. Members are shown in hooded-robes, approaching a 40-foot Owl statue. Also contains “Illuminati Protocols”.

Ibid. Children of the Matrix. Wildwood, MO: Bridge of Love Pub. (2001) Shows a photo of Glenn Seaborg, the man who gave the world plutonium. This was taken at Bohemian Grove in 1957. At Seaborg’s side sit Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Infact (Ed.). Infact Brings GE to Light. General Electric: Shaping Nuclear Weapons Policies for Profit . Boston, Mass.: Infact Publishers (1988)

Jackson, Steve. The Illuminati - New World Order Book. Steve Jackson Games (1995) Instructional book for the popular card-game based on the Illuminati legend. Johnson, George. Architects of Fear: Conspiracy Theory and Paranoia In American Politics. Los Angeles, CA.: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. (1983)

Jones, Alex. Digital-video footage and photo stills of 2001 Bohemian Grove rituals. Available online at (2001)

Joy, Dan. “Everything I Know I Learned While Editing PIHKAL ”, Boing, Boing (8) pp.12 (Spring, 1992). Comments by Shulgin’s confidant and editor. Keith, Jim (Ed.). Secret and Suppressed., Occidental, California. (July 12, 1997). Similar reports appear every year.

Ibid. Letter to Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead regarding rumors of the band’s scheduled concert at Bohemian Grove (1998)

Portland, OR.: Feral House (1993) Ibid. Saucers of the Illuminati . Lilburn, Georgia: Illuminet Press (1999)

Knight, Steven. The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons.. London: Grenada (1984)

Laqueur, Thomas. Making Sex: Body and Gender From the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1991)

LaRouche, Lyndon . Note 8, Writings, 2001. HYPERLINK "" .

Lee, Martin and Bruce Schlain. Acid Dreams. New York: Grove Press (1985). Details the CIA’s interest in psychedelics for mind-control, espionage and warfare.

Lenz, Bradley. “Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved”, The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs ( 24) 1, pp. 77 ( Jan-March,1992) Book review. Levi-Strauss, Claude. Myth and Meaning. New York: Schocken Books (1995)

Levvitt, Aric Z. The Illuminati. Los Angeles, CA: Daystar Pub. (1997) Litchfield, Michael. It’s A Conspiracy. Berkeley, CA: Earth Works Press (1992)

Lyttle, Thomas (Ed.). Psychedelic Monographs and Essays Vol. 1-6. Boynton Beach, Fl. and Naples, Fl.: PM & E Publishing Group (1986-93)

Ibid. “Drug-Based Religions and Contemporary Drug Taking”, The Journal of Drug Issues 18(2) 271-84 (1988). Links psychedelic drugs to religious conversion, cult behavior and ideological shifts.

Ibid. and Dr. Michael Montagne. “Drugs, Music and Ideology: A Social Pharmacological Interpretation of the Acid House Movement”, The International Journal of the Addictions 27(10) 1159-77 (1992).MDMA’s role in trance, religious conversion, mass-psychology and ideological shifts.

Ibid. “Rumors, Myths and Urban Legends Surrounding the Death of Jim Morrison” in Secret and Suppressed by Jim Keith (Ed.) Portland, OR: Feral House (1993). Jim Morrison and Bohemian Grove both suffer from extreme, dark forms of urban legend. A look at the sociology of myth formation.

Ibid. (Ed.). Psychedelics: A Collection of The Most Exciting New Material On Psychedelic Drugs.. New York: Barricade (1994).

Ibid. “Carlos Castaneda: Criticism and Conspiracies” in Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader by Kenn Thomas (Ed.). Lilburn, Georgia: Illuminet Press (1995). Conspiracy elements in psychedelic history.

Ibid. (Ed.). Psychedelics ReImagined. New York: Autonomedia (1999)

Luckert, Steven Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati and Jacobins: Conspiracy Theories, Secret-Societies and Politics In 18th Century Germany. Ph.D. thesis. The State University at Binghampton (NY) (1993)

MacKenzie, Norman (Ed.). Secret Societies . New York: Crescent Books (1987) Marchetti, Victor and John D. Marks. The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. New York: Dell Publishing (1974)

Marrs, Jim. Rule By Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects The Trilateral Commision, The Freemasons and the Great Pyramids.. New York: HarperCollins (2000)

Marrs, Texe Dark Majesty. Austin, TX: Living Truth Publishers (1992)

McDermott, Peter. “PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story” in The International Journal On Drug Policy (3) 2, pp. 109-111 (1992) Book review.

McQuade, Walter. “The Male Manager’s Last Refuge”, Fortune (Aug. 5 1985). Profiles the Bohemian Grove. Metal, Phyllis (a former mistress). A Typical Bohemian Club Member Privately circulated document (no date).

Michaelson, Scott (Ed.). Portable Darkness . New York: Harmony Books (1989)

Mills, Margaret. “Sex Role Reversals, Sex Changes and Transvestite Disguise In The Oral Tradition of the Conservative Muslim Community In Afghanistan” in Rosen A. Jordan and Susan Kalcik (Ed’s.) Women’s Folklore, Women’s Culture. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press (1985)

Moench, Doug. The Big Book of Conspiracies. New York: Paradox Press (1995)

Moore, Mary. “Bohemian Grove: Weaving Spiders Come Not Here” Sonoma County Free Press, Sonoma, California. (Sept. 1992)

Ibid. “Newt and Other Atrocities at Bohemian Grove”, Bohemian Grove Action Network ; Occidental, California. (July 12, 1995)

Ibid. “Report on the 1997 Bohemian Grove Meeting”, Bohemian Grove Action Network by Thomas Lyttle

Mounier, Jean-Jacques. De l’influence attribuée aux Philosophes, aux Francs-Masons at aux Illuminés sur la Révolution Francaise. Paris: Privately Published (1822). French-language study of the Illuminati and the French revolution.

Moyers, Bill. The Secret Government. Wash. DC: Seven Locks Press (1988)

Moynihan, Michael and Didrek Soderlind. Lords Of Chaos. Portland, OR: Feral House (1998) Urban legends re: heavy metal music cults.

Nettles, Paul. Mozart and Masonry . New York: Dorset Press (1987) Novick, Rebecca McClean and David Jay Brown. “Alexander and Ann Shulgin: Psychedelic Innovation”, High Times (228) pp. 50-53 (Aug.1994)

O’Donell, Elliot. Strange Cults and Secret Societies of Modern London . NY:Dutton (1935)

Ogden, John Corsens. A View of the New England Illuminati: Who Are Indefatigably Engaged In Destroying the Religion and the Government of the United States; Under A Feigned Regard For Their Safety - and Under An Impious Abuse of True Religion (2nd Ed.). Philadelphia: Privately printed (1799) Oglesby, Carl. The Yankee and Cowboy War . New York : Berkeley Medallion Books (1977)

Parfrey, Adam (Ed.). Apocalypse Culture. New York: Amok Press (1987)

Ibid. Apocalypse Culture II . Venice, CA.: Feral House (2000)

Perenti, Michael. Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media. New York: St. Martin’s Press (1986)

Peroutka, Stephen J. (Ed.). Ecstacy: The Clinical, Pharmacological and Neurotoxicological Effects Of The Drug MDMA.. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers (1990). Major academic work on MDMA.

Picknett, Lynn and Clive Prince. The Templar Revelation.. New York: Touchstone Books (1997)

Pineiro, Juanjo. “Alexander y Ann Shulgin”, in Psiconautas: Exploradores de la Consciencia. Barcelona, Spain: La Liebre de Marzo (2000). Spanish language interview with the Shulgins.

Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time.. New York: MacMillon (1966)

Ibid. The World Since 1939: A History. New York: Collier Books (1968)

Ibid. The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden. New York: Books In Focus (1981)

Rabinowitz, Jacob. The Rotting Goddess: The Origin of the Witch In Classical Antiquity’s Demonization of Fertility Religion . New York, Autonomedia (1998). Classic text on Hecate and Greek/Roman anti-goddesses.

Rathenau,Walter (with A. Ralph Epperson) The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History. Tucson, AZ: Publius Press (1985) Read, Piers Paul. The Templars .New York: St. Martin’s Press ( 1999)

Richardson, Kerry. “The Bohemian Grove and the Nuclear Weapons Industry: Some Connections”, privately printed (1987).

Rippchen, Ronald. MDMA : Die Neue Sympathiedroge? Löhrbach, Germany: Werner Pieper’s Medienexperimente (1993). German-language book about MDMA.

Rivosecchi, Mario. Tommaso Illuminati Scultore. Rome: Fratelli Polumbo (1973) Italian-language book about the Illuminati.

Robinson, John J. Born In Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry. New York: Evans and Company (1989)

Robison, John. Proofs of A Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried On In the Secret Meetings Of the Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, London, (1798)

Romero, Dennis. “Sasha Shulgin Has Worked On This Side of the Law Inventing Mind-Altering Drugs: Should They Be Legal?”,The Los Angeles Times, (Home Page edition, page 1, part E - with photo) (Tues., Sept. 5, 1995).

Rosenbaum, Ron. “The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones”, Esquire (September, 1987)

Ibid. “Skull and Bones Rites Filmed”, New York Observer, pp. 1 (April 23, 2001)

Rothwell, C.L. “Sir Knight Paul Revere” in “Masonic Americana - Stories and Fraternal Patriots”, Knights Templar Magazine (1976)

Rydeen, Paul. “Through a Hoffman Lens Darkly: An Interview With Michael Anthony Hoffman II”, Crash Collusion (1988)

Sachse, Julius Friederich. Washington’s Masonic Correspondence. Philadelphia: privately printed (1915)

Saunders, Nicholas. E For Ecstasy. London: Neil’s Yard (1993) The best popular work on MDMA.

Ibid (with Rick Doblin). Ecstasy and the Dance Culture. Exeter, UK: Neil’s Yard (1995).

Scotto. “An Interview With Alexander Shulgin”, TRP (The Resonance Project) Vol. 4, pp. 51-54 (Spring, 1999)

Shakespeare,William. Hamlet, from The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by David Bevington (Ed.). Glenview, Il: Scott-Foresman (1980)

Sherman, William H. John Dee: The Politics of Reading and Writing In the English Rennaissance. Amherst, Mass.: Univ. of Mass. Press (1995). Comprehensive on Dee’s published works, his archiving and library obsessions. Dee’s Bibliotheca Mortlancensus was the largest private library in Europe, in 1583.

Shulgin, Alexander. “Centrally Active Phenthylamines,” Psychopharm. Comm. (1) 93-98 (1975)

Ibid. “Chemistry of Phenethylamines Related to Mescaline”, Journ . of Psychedelic Drugs (11) 41-52 (1979)

Ibid. “Twenty Years On An Ever Changing Quest” in L. Grinspoon and J. Bakalar (Ed) Psychedelic Reflections.. New York: Human Sciences Press (1983)

Ibid. “The Background and Chemistry of MDMA”, Journ. of Psychoactive Drugs (18) 291-304 (1986)

Ibid. “The ‘Social Chemistry’ of Pharmacological Discovery”, Social Pharmacology (1) 279-90 (1987)

Ibid. “How Similar Is Substantially Similar”, Journal of Forensic Sciences (35) 8-10 (1990) Letter

Ibid. “Psychedelic Alchemist” The Whole Earth Review, pp.23-27 ( Fall,1991)

Ibid. “Galileo”, The Entheogen Project Newsletter , San Francisco: The Council On Spiritual Practises (1995) Leaflet.

Ibid. and Ann Shulgin. PIHKAL (Penethylamines I Have Known and Loved), Berkeley, Cal.: Transform Press, (1991) Part l of Alexander and Ann Shulgin’s autobiography.

Ibid. Letter to Thomas Lyttle mentioning Shulgin’s Bohemian Grove membership (1993)

Ibid. Letter to Thomas Lyttle regarding archetypal psychology, mythology and the nature of addiction (1994)

Ibid. and Ann Shulgin. TIHKAL (Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved), Berkeley, Cal.: Transform Press, (1997) Part 2 of Alexander and Ann Shulgin’s autobiography.
Sides, W. Hampton. “Power at Play: The Boho [Bohemian] Boy’s Club”, Regardie’s Magazine, January (1991).

Solomon, Maynard. Beethoven . New York: Schirmer Books (1977) Spartacus. “Thomas Lyttle’s Psychedelic Grail” Flipside (March, 2000) Interview with T. Lyttle. Includes info on drug mythology , secret-society uses of psychedelics. Springmeier, Fritz. Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Westminster, CO: Ambassador House (1999)

Stauffer, Vernon. New England and the Bavarian Illuminati.. Russell and Russell: New York (1918, 1967) Part of the series Studies in History, Economics and Public Law Vol. LXXXII, No. 1. Major academic work on the Illuminati. Stehli, Jean. “Pouvoir: le club le plus fermé du monde” Le Point , No. 27, Aug. 27 (1994). French-language article about Bohemian Grove. Le Point is a major French news magazine. Sutton, Anthony C. “The State of Research Concerning Power Elites”, Conspiracy Digest 2(3) Summer (1977).

Ibid. America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones. Billings,MN.: Liberty House Press (1986)

Ibid. Phoenix Letter. Billings, Montana (Oct. 1996). Dr. Anthony Sutton’s newsletter.

Tarpley, Webster Griffin and Anton Chaitkin. George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography. Wash. DC: Executive Intelligence Review (1992). Chapter 7, “Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale” is of interest.

Tendler, Stuart and David May. Brotherhood of Eternal Love: From Flower Power to Hippie Mafia, The Story of the LSD Counterculture. London: Panther (1984)

Tyler, Royall. “The Origin of Evil” in Marius B. Peledeau (Ed.) The Verse of Royall Tyler, pp 13-15. Charlottsville: Univ. of Virginia Press (1968)

van Buren, Elizabeth. The Secret of the Illuminati. New York: Neville Spearman (1982)

van der Zee, John. The Greatest Men’s Party On Earth: Inside the Bohemian Grove . New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich (1974) An extensive history of Bohemian Grove, including interviews with members.

van Helsing, Jan “Power Playground”, Business Month, (July, Aug. 1988). Report on Bohemian Grove. Ibid. Secret Societies and Their Role in the 20th Century. Grand Canaria, Spain: Erwalt Verlag (1995)

Vankin, Jonathan. Conspiracies, Crimes and Cover-ups: Political Manipulation and Mind Control In America.. New York: Paragon House (1992)

Ibid. Fifty Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. New York: Citadel Press (1995)

von Franz, Marie Louise. Problems of the Feminine in Fairytales. Irving, Texas: Spring Publications (1972)

Waite, Arthur Edward. “Boston Tea Party”, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. New York: Wings Books (1996)

Webster, Nesta. World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization. London: Constable and Co. (1921)

Ibid. Secret Societies and Subversive Movements. Palmdale, CA: Omni Publications (reprint of the original 1924 edition)

Weigle, Constance and Ronald Rippchen. MDMA: die Psychoaktive Substanz fur Therapie, Ritual und Rekreation.. Löhrbach, Germany: Werner Pieper’s Medienexperimente (1986) German-language book about MDMA.

Weiss, David. Assassination of Mozart. New York: William Morrow and Co. (1971)

Weiss, Philip. “Inside Bohemian Grove”, Spy Magazine, (November, 1989). 15 pp. article with sidebar. Photos show initiates in hooded-robes, performing Grove rituals before a 40-foot Owl idol.

Wells, K. B. The Montauk Files: Unearthing the Phoenix Conspiracy. Tempe, Arizona: New Falcon (1998). Of interest are the photos of the “LSD Room” at Montauk Air Force Station, alleged to have been used for MK-ULTRA experiments. Similar mythologies exist re: Bohemian Grove and secret ritual-rooms, tunnels and caves.

Weston, Mark. “Blot Art: Mark Weston Interviews Thomas Lyttle”, Paranoia Vol. 3(4) (Winter, 1995). Details conspiracy in psychedelic history.

Wilgus, Neal. The Illuminoids. Albuquerque, NM: Sun Books (1978). Detailed “history”, chronology of the Illuminati. Wilson, Neill C. HYPERLINK " ST. JOHN OF BOHEMIA : The Sixty-fourth Grove Play of the Bohemian Club as performed by its members in The Bohemian Grove, July 26, 1969. Music by Leigh Harline, Directed by Thomas J Tyrrell. Illustrations by Lawrence J. Rehag, Photography by Raymond M. Moulin. San Francisco: The Bohemian Club, 1969.

Wilson, Robert Anton and Robert Shea. The Illuminatus Trilogy. New York: Dell (1975). Popular sci-fi novel about the Illuminati.

Ibid. Cosmic Trigger: The Final Secret of the Illuminati. Berkeley, CA: And/Or Press (1977)

Ibid. Masks of the Illuminati. New York: Dell (1981).

Ibid. Right Where You Are Sitting Now : Further Tales of the Illuminati.. Berkeley, CA.: Ronin Publishing (1992)

Ibid. Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups. New York: Harper-Perennial (1998)

Wise, David and Thomas B. Ross. The Invisible Government. New York: Vintage Books (1974)

Woodward, Bob. Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA : 1981-1987 . New York, Pocket Books, (1987)

Yates, Francis. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition.. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1964)


photos by Jeff Keim